Sunday, December 18, 2005

So, is this how are comrades have stayed in power?

From using a ‘strong scent’ to mark out voters to planting dummies to slow down voting in Opp bastions: EC observer Amanullah’s report on 2004 polls in Bengal could become a manual for next year’s election

The Sunday Express has the details.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

BSNL is unique

The other day I went to Statesman House on Barakhamba Road in Connaught Place for a business meeting. Among the companies listed with offices there was BSNL. Turns out it is their head office. In a city where it does not, and till now, cannot provide its services.

It happens only in India!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Michael Palin's Sahara

Just finished reading Michael Palin's account of his travels across the Sahara in 2001. He passes through Timbuktu. That name has always fascinated me.

Now, only if I get could my hands on the DVD or book of his Himalayan trip.